重装系统和Visual Studio 2012后,打开以前托管在Team Fundation Service的Git中的代码,结果死活在Visual Studio中连接不上服务器,报以下TF31003的错误: TF31003: Either you have not entered the necessary credentials or your user account does not have permission to connect to the Team Foundation Server at https://***.visualstudio.com/. Ask your server administrator to add the appropriate permissions to your account. 不断的登录再登出还是没法解决问题。 解决方法: 折腾了老半天,才发现是IE的cookie导致的,也许是平时用多个不同outlook.com的ID登录过导致吧。在IE中按 Ctrl + Shift + Delete ,打开窗口,点击删除。 然后再到Visual Studio 2012连接服务器,终于重新出来登录界面。