
Rollup WebCenter Site(Fatwire) to 7.6

有个客户很羡慕传说中WebCenter Site的功能,准备在一项目在使用这产品。为了能评估工作量加上不被各色人等忽悠,只能自己装一次评估。在eDelivery上下载了安装程序,真坑爹,一点都不象以前O记的产品,居然安装说明的文档都没有。在Weblogic上安装,以手工部署的方式很顺利就完成了应用的安装,但在升级到7.6时就卡住了,测试时出现以下错误:
HelloCS has failed.
Ping DB has failed.
DB Permissions has failed. 

在服务器启动时报Caused By: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field
org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.SINGLETON from class


两天的试用,觉得O记要完全实现Fatwire与Webcenter Content整合明显需要一段时间。拿这玩意来做外网应用的还是值得探讨的。

Not so good
  • Some of the basic changes within the implementation requires quite a lot of work. A good example is vanity URLs. Most of the clients now a days have this basic requirement especially around blobs but there is none out of the box URL assembler available
  • Deployment is one of the most painful area. Even with CSDT, which is just the recent addition to product, there are many area’s which it lacks. The basic use cases are not covered by CSDT
  • With CS 761, there are headless installs which is welcome change through if you are upgrading to CS 761 from version below CS 75 there is no other way apart from GUI based installers
  • Product customisation is one of the pain area’s. There is no concept of extending the existing elements into your project elements and apply changes. Which means each time you run an upgrade, there is an activity to reapply all the changes again which makes upgrades sooo much error prone and time consuming
  • CS Engage, for providing personalised content, has never been an easy product to work with and get your head around it
  • There are number of modules on top of core content server but its been utilised scarcely across the globe and tough to find a single case study when in need
  • Rollbacks are still is old 90′s fashion way of taking file system and database dump and restoring them back. Cold dumps needs to be taken to get an exact snapshot of the system at that point in time
  • Lots of documentation is there but they cover basic information and for anything beyond basic changes require folow-up on yahoo groups or through support
  • Support centre has not been supportive. It sometimes feel, just to meet their SLA’s, there are responses which doesn’t even relate back to the actual query
  • etc. etc.



解决墙国Google Home无法联网问题

趁黑五特价入手了个Google Home,经过漫长的等待昨天终于等到。回到家里兴高采烈的安装了Home应用,设置好开始开心的调戏Google,播放音乐什么的都很正常。 第二天上班回到家里,发现Hey Google后,不是提示Sorry something went wrong, try again in a few seconds."就是"There was a glitch. Try again in a few seconds.",很是恼火。没可能哥花50刀就买一个蓝牙音箱回来吧,再说了,连不上网甚至连蓝牙也打不开。 本着一贯的研究精神,开搞。据说Google Home是自带DNS,OpenWRT路由上设置了全局SS,但是Google Home还是会用tcp的模式去访问不存在的DNS Server地址8.8.4.4和8.8.8.8,于是乎加了个防火墙规则,不管你Google Home什么请求,都乖乖给我走SS通道去。 修改OpenWRT的/etc/firewall.user文件,增加以下iptables规则: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to iptables -I PREROUTING -t nat -p udp -d --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1053 iptables -I PREROUTING -t nat -p udp -d --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1053 嘿嘿,来一句"Hey Google. Make me relax“,满屋子都是优美的声音,听着写代码真爽:).

解决OpenWRT安装第三方包Incompatible with the architectures configured错误

 起因 起了把家里路由器更新到新版本OpenWRT的念头很久了,周末终于克服自己的懒病,下载了OpenWRT 19.07.4的安装包,更新Linksys WRT1900ACS路由器的系统。 修改了IP地址,把Wifi打开后,驾轻就熟地修改了相关的配置,增加了第三方源,准备开始安装你懂的SS和ChinaDNS等组件。没想到往常屡试不爽的opkg install命令返回了安装失败提示: Incompatible with the architectures configured 仔细比对了所有的配置,确认没有错误,但是安装新增的第三方包时总是报错。 解决方法 试了N多种方法,还是不行,正准备放弃装回原来ROM时,突然发现运行opkg print-architecture返回的CPU架构型号是 arch all 1 arch noarch 1 arch arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16 10 比原来系统打印出来的架构型号多了一个d16,而第三方源的库里貌似没有arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16这样一个型号的源,尝试修改/etc/opkg.conf文件,把原来CPU型号列表增加不带d16行。 arch all 1 arch noarch 1 arch arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3 8 arch arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16 10 再运行opkg install,包装成功。

解决华为手机访问Google Play:从服务器检索信息时出错。[DF-DFERH-01]

虽然路由器已经设置了梯子,但是用华为手机访问Google Play时,还是提示: 从服务器检索信息时出错。[DF-DFERH-01]。 虽然在手机上把梯子设置成全局模式,连接Google Play后再断掉梯子连接可以升级应用,但实在是麻烦。 放狗搜了一把,网上包括菊厂官方谈坛所说的什么删除Google账户清数据等等方法都是瞎掰。还好自己用的是LEDE(当然OpenWRT也可以),直接把services.googleapis.cn对应的IP指向到216.58.197.195,问题解决。 sed -i '$a conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d' /etc/dnsmasq.conf mkdir /etc/dnsmasq.d/ cat >>/etc/dnsmasq.d/custom.conf<<EOF address=/services.googleapis.cn/ EOF