

目前显示的是 三月, 2012的博文

Rollup WebCenter Site(Fatwire) to 7.6

有个客户很羡慕传说中WebCenter Site的功能,准备在一项目在使用这产品。为了能评估工作量加上不被各色人等忽悠,只能自己装一次评估。在eDelivery上下载了安装程序,真坑爹,一点都不象以前O记的产品,居然安装说明的文档都没有。在Weblogic上安装,以手工部署的方式很顺利就完成了应用的安装,但在升级到7.6时就卡住了,测试时出现以下错误: HelloCS has failed. Ping DB has failed. DB Permissions has failed.  在服务器启动时报Caused By: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.SINGLETON from class org.slf4j.LoggerFactory  的错。折腾了老半天,鬼就出在slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar和slf4j-jdk14-1.5.8.jar两个文件上,干掉后继续安装成功。 两天的试用,觉得O记要完全实现Fatwire与Webcenter Content整合明显需要一段时间。拿这玩意来做外网应用的还是值得探讨的。 比较赞同这篇文章上的话: http://shishank.info/pcm/wordpress/2011/11/10/oracle-web-centre-fatwire-is-it-an-old-generation-cms/ Not so good Some of the basic changes within the implementation requires quite a lot of work. A good example is vanity URLs. Most of the clients now a days have this basic requirement especially around blobs but there is none out of the box URL assembler available Deployment is one of the most painful area. Even w...